Create your own blog
This blog is about creating a blog in four steps! Share your latest chess victory with your friends and followers, or discuss a particulary interesting move. Or write about your very first steps into the world of chess!
Step 1 go to the blog section
Step 2 Click at "Write new blog entry"
Step 3 Write the blog!
1. Here you can create a catchy title for your blog.
2. Here you can choose an image for your blog, this will be the blog's profile picture.
3. This is where you can write your blog!
4. At point 4 you can add an image or change the looks and lay-out of your blog
5. Now you can choose between publish directly or you can save it and make further adjustments later. If you save it for later, your blog will not be visible to other users.
Step 4 Enjoy your creation!
Now it is time to get creative and start writing your very own blog! Share your latest chess victory with your friends and followers, or discuss a particulary interesting move. Or write about your very first steps into the world of chess!