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Thank you!

Dec 27, 2013
StaffCoach 2147

In 2013, our users solved more than 18 million excercises! I hope you have made progress with your chess level. 

Every day, I'm grateful for the chance to share our chess ideas with you. I appreciate the attention and trust of you. It would be impossible to build Chessity without you.

If I could suggest just one thing you could do for your Chess in 2014..... It would be to stay at Chessity. You will enjoy new chess innovation! You will improve your chess even more than last year!

Thanks again, and I wish you all the best!

Janton van Apeldoorn

Founder of Chessity



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trek_play 17:55 - 31 Dec 2013
I will stay for 2014 too. Thanks to everyone at Chessity for a great site and terrific responses to suggestions and queries.

Happy New Year!
Janton 21:56 - 1 Jan 2014
Thanks for the kind words!
sigrun 13:01 - 3 Jan 2014
A happy and prosperous new year to you!
awesomedude_play 02:33 - 4 Jan 2014
Chessity helped me!????

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The gameviewer widget for websites 600px by 330px in dimensions.
<script type="text/javascript">
	var chessity_gameblog_id = 49;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>