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New Upgrade your endgame

Mar 18, 2014
Chessity staff post

Upgrade your endgame. and win more games!

Robert Ris Chessity

International chess master Robert Ris developed the unique endgame trainer that is based on a well-known program of Chessity. It utilizes instructional scaffolding and compels players to learn through experience.

According to Robert Ris, “The new endgame trainer program is perfect for those who want to improve their chess playing skills to professional level. With the inclusion of chess video broadcast along  with blogs and much more, Chessity has given me a great platform to introduce this fantastic new endgame trainer program.”

Chessity released the new Endgame trainer system for premium users today. This is an example of one of the lessons:


club player endgame
club player endgame

Try a pawn breakthrough yourself (you can find more lessons in the club level section):

breakthrough in pawn endgames
breakthrough in pawn endgames

Training courses at Chessity are always designed to meet personalized goals. And they can also keep track of their progress through detailed statistics. Robert has utilized his ten years of teaching experience fully to develop this unique program, says Janton van Apeldoorn owner of Chessity.

He informs, “Robert has been training beginners to 2300-rated players for almost ten years. Moreover, he is also associated with several 2600-rated grand masters.  He started playing chess at the age of 8 and became Dutch Youth Champion when he was 14. Thus, he is definitely the right person to develop such a unique chess training program like the endgame trainer.”

Master endgame
Master endgame

Why not give it a Go? Think like a Chess Pro and start your endgame training now!


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